​Retail Bonds investing in companies.

It is important you only use Financial Advisors regulated by the F.C.A.

What should I invest in?

With today's economy it's hard to know what you should be investing in.

London Bus / Big Ben picture

In only requires a change in attitude by company officials and the Government to make it easier to raise funds under £30million and the retail bond market will grow 


RETAILBONDS.co.uk is operated by  InFinanceToday.com.

If you are considering raising funds by 

issuing Retail Bonds we have associates in

London with a considerable experience in this 

form of finance . Please contact me and see if

​we can be of assistance.    

In The News

How to Choose a Financial Planner

​Do you know how to pick a financial planner that has your best interests in mind?

Building Your Wealth

​Only use Financial Advisors regulated by the F.C.A.


raising finance for 

​smaller companies.

Investing in Infrastructure
Green Gilts ( Green Bonds )
RetailBonds.co.uk raising finance for SME's

To contact me direct please telephone or text Christopher

on 07848267855 or email me at InFinanceToday@gmail.com  Thankyou.

Complete discretion at all times for any information that will be shared 

between myself and those that are authorised to compete any fundraising

and or issuing of Retail Bonds.

Do you spend more time planning a vacation or holiday for your family than you do for your retirement?


Let's be realistic here. Planning a vacation is way more enjoyable than planning for your future. Vacations are instant, fun and relaxing. But, most of the time, when it comes to planning a retirement, it's built on uncertainty, fear and confusion. Which, in the end, makes everyone want to avoid planning their future financials.

But, if you plan your retirement right, it doesn't have to be so scary. In fact, planning for your retirement can be just as simple as planning for that exciting vacation that's got you up at night in anticipation for it. At  INFINANCETODAY we can help you plan a financial future that will make you and your family excited for your upcoming years.

climate change UK

wealth management
financial advisor
Infrastructure financing

Creating and Managing Wealth

​Wealth comes from a number of different resources. You can create your future wealth strategy right now.

Red Phone Box picture
investing in social impact

In Europe and the U.K. most financing by companies are still raising bank finance,

which is 75% of corporate borrowing and bond financing is only 25% while in the U.S.A.  it is the reverse 75% bond funding and 25% bank Finance.

If companies in Europe and the U.K decide to raise more by bond issuing then

obviously the market will be considerably greater.

Investing in Infrastructure
Investing in Infrastructure
Investing in Infrastructure